Saturday, October 23, 2010

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In this regard, these questions and mysteries surrounding outer space is slowly being solved by the field of astronomy. Basically, the field mainly deals with celestial objects such as galaxies, comets, asteroids, stars, and planets, among other. There are many aspects about 4astronomy that has evolved over the past centuries or so. Ancient civilizations studied the positioning of stars in order to guide them during journeys at night. As time progressed, many new tools and methods of studying heavenly bodies were developed, giving rise to prominent scientists such as Galileo Galilee, Johannes Kepler, and Tycho Brahe, among others. For example, it was Galileo who invented the first telescope, which vastly improved the ways by which people study celestial objects wile Kepler introduced new methods to study planetary motions. At present, astronomers are actually going to outer space themselves or sending highly sophisticated equipment such as satellites to assist them. Astronomy also enabled scientists to develop theories on the origins of the earth and the beginnings of other celestial objects that are relevant in everyday life such as the moon and the sun. online slot machines